Andreas Abel

Real-Time and Embedded Systems Lab
Universität des Saarlandes
Phone: +49 681 302 5573
Building: E 1 3 Room: 404
Coordinates: N 49.257833° E 7.045144°

Short CV

I am a postdoc at Saarland University in the group of Prof. Jan Reineke. My research interests include reverse engineering of microarchitectures, performance prediction, and security. I completed my PhD in June 2020 with a thesis entitled Automatic Generation of Models of Microarchitectures.

Tools / Websites

As part of my research, I have developed the following tools and websites.

This website provides more than 400,000 pages with detailed latency, throughput, and port usage data for most x86 instructions on recent Intel and AMD microarchitectures. While such data is important for understanding, predicting, and optimizing the performance of software running on these microarchitectures, most of it is not documented in the official processor manuals.

Check it out at


nanoBench is a Linux-based tool for running small microbenchmarks on recent Intel and AMD x86 CPUs. The microbenchmarks are evaluated using hardware performance counters. The reading of the performance counters is implemented in a way that incurs only minimal overhead.

Check it out at

nanoBench Cache Analyzer

A collection of tools for analyzing undocumented cache properties using hardware performance counters.

Check it out at:

Results are available at


MeMin is a tool for minimizing incompletely specified Mealy machines.

Check it out here.


Summer 2018, Summer 2019

Winter 2015/2016

Winter 2013/2014

Summer 2013


Conference and Workshop PapersPhD ThesisMasters ThesisBachelors ThesisOther

Conference and Workshop Papers

  1. FACILE: Fast, Accurate, and Interpretable Basic-Block Throughput Prediction
    A. Abel, S. Sharma, and J. Reineke
    IISWC, 2023
    [doi] [bib]
  2. uiCA: Accurate Throughput Prediction of Basic Blocks on Recent Intel Microarchitectures
    A. Abel and J. Reineke
    ICS, 2022
  3. DiffTune Revisited: A Simple Baseline for Evaluating Learned llvm-mca Parameters
    Andreas Abel
    Machine Learning for Computer Architecture and Systems 2022, 2022
  4. nanoBench: A Low-Overhead Tool for Running Microbenchmarks on x86 Systems
    A. Abel and J. Reineke
    ISPASS, August 2020
  5. Characterizing Latency, Throughput, and Port Usage of Instructions on Intel Microarchitectures
    A. Abel and J. Reineke
    ASPLOS, 2019
    [doi] [bib]
  6. Gray-box Learning of Serial Compositions of Mealy Machines
    A. Abel and J. Reineke
    NFM, June 2016
    [doi] [pdf] [bib]
  7. MeMin: SAT-based Exact Minimization of Incompletely Specified Mealy Machines
    A. Abel and J. Reineke
    ICCAD, 2015
    [doi] [pdf] [bib]
  8. Reverse Engineering of Cache Replacement Policies in Intel Microprocessors and Their Evaluation (poster abstract)
    A. Abel and J. Reineke
    ISPASS, March 2014
    [pdf] [bib]
  9. Measurement-based Modeling of the Cache Replacement Policy
    A. Abel and J. Reineke
    RTAS, April 2013
    [pdf] [pdf slides] [ppt slides] [bib]
  10. Impact of Resource Sharing on Performance and Performance Prediction: A Survey
    A. Abel, F. Benz, J. Doerfert, B. Dörr, S. Hahn, F. Haupenthal, M. Jacobs, A. Moin, J. Reineke, B. Schommer, and R. Wilhelm
    CONCUR, August 2013
    [doi] [pdf] [bib]
  11. Automatic Cache Modeling by Measurements
    A. Abel and J. Reineke
    JRWRTC, November 2012
    [pdf] [bib]

PhD Thesis

  1. Automatic Generation of Models of Microarchitectures
    Andreas Abel
    Universität des Saarlandes, 2020
    [pdf] [bib]

Masters Thesis

  1. Measurement-based Inference of the Cache Hierarchy
    A. Abel
    Universität des Saarlandes, Germany, 2012
    [pdf] [bib]

Bachelors Thesis

  1. From Uppaal To Slab
    A. Abel
    Saarland University, 2009


  1. Accurate Throughput Prediction of Basic Blocks on Recent Intel Microarchitectures
    A. Abel and J. Reineke
    arXiv, 2021
  2. Flushgeist: Cache Leaks from Beyond the Flush
    P. Vila, A. Abel, M. Guarnieri, B. Köpf, and J. Reineke
    arXiv, abs/2005.13853, 2020
  3. nanoBench: A Low-Overhead Tool for Running Microbenchmarks on x86 Systems
    A. Abel and J. Reineke
    arXiv, abs/1911.03282, 2019
  4. Characterizing Latency, Throughput, and Port Usage of Instructions on Intel Microarchitectures
    A. Abel and J. Reineke
    arXiv, abs/1810.04610, 2018