Shrey Sharma

Real-Time and Embedded Systems Lab
Universität des Saarlandes
Building: E 1 3 Room: 402
Coordinates: N 49.257833° E 7.045144°

Short CV

I am a PhD student in the group of Prof. Jan Reineke since October 2018.

Prior to that, I worked on polyhedral compilation and vectorization in the group of Prof. Sebastian Hack. I completed my M.Sc on multi-dimensional vectorization in August 2019.
Since April 2015, I am also a member of the Graduate School of Computer Science at Saarland University.

Research Interests


Summer 2023

Winter 2022/2023

Summer 2022

Winter 2020/2021

Winter 2019/2020

Winter 2018/2019


Conference and Workshop PapersMasters Thesis

Conference and Workshop Papers

  1. FACILE: Fast, Accurate, and Interpretable Basic-Block Throughput Prediction
    A. Abel, S. Sharma, and J. Reineke
    IISWC, 2023
    [doi] [bib]
  2. Multi-dimensional Vectorization in LLVM
    S. Moll, S. Sharma, M. Kurtenacker, and S. Hack
    Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Programming Models for SIMD/Vector Processing, 2019
    [pdf] [bib]
  3. Polyhedral expression propagation
    J. Doerfert, S. Sharma, and S. Hack
    Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Compiler Construction, 2018
    [pdf] [bib]

Masters Thesis

  1. Multi-dimensional Auto-vectorization of Stencil Codes
    S. Sharma
    Universität des Saarlandes, Germany, 2019
    [pdf] [bib]